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How do I become christian?


 How do I become christian?




How do I become Christian?

Because of his love for us God has made it exceedingly simple to become a Christian. All you need to do is receive Jesus as savior, accept his death as the sacrifice for your sin, and trust him alone. Becoming a Christian is not about having a ritual, going to church but having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through faith, is what makes a person a Christian. We must understand that we are sinners, we must understand that Jesus took our punishment and believed that his death on the cross is sufficient sacrifice top paid for our sins.


Effective calling

When god calls people, he called them out of the darkness into marvelous light (1 peter 2:9) “he calls them into the fellowship of his Son”. Calling is a desirable response in people's hearts that he called us to himself so decisively that everything we do, everything we have we invested and live out as a response to his summons and service. When people have been called by God” they belong to Jesus Christ” (Rom 1:6). When we are called by God we are justified, we are free from sin and have eternal life. 



General calling and gospel calling

General calling is basically referring to any preaching of the gospel to anyone, whether they respond or not. Sometimes people said that preaching and sharing gospel is a pastor job, but in (Mat 28:19) said that” Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” it is not only their jobs to disciples other but it is our jobs to make them become the disciples of Christ. Our job is not to make them believes, all we need to do is explain the gospel message to them; it is God’s job to make that message or call effective.




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